Problogger make money blogging

Author: BUGABOO Date: 08.07.2017

This is a guest contribution from Paul Back. Yet, with monetization, things can get a little confusing. There are just so many different options. Making money from your blog is not something that happens by accident. There are almost limitless possibilities for a blogger like you to earn money online, but most of these fall into a small number of distinct categories. This post is designed to show your options so that you can go on to make the right monetization decisions.

Your destination is a blog that makes you money — you need to choose some routes that will get you there. When analysing your options, think about your end goal — do you want a more passive way to earn? Perhaps you want to offer a service?

Maybe you just want to create and sell your own products? I scoured the Internet for months trying to find the most diverse and proven ways to make money from blogs. Use it as a guideline for your blog monetization plans. They can deliver staggering revenues, but for most people, they make very little. If you want success with ads, you must consider traffic , audience, and context. Of course there are exceptions to the rules — so aim to understand your niche and audience before deciding if ads are right for you.

You have many ad networks to choose from. Google AdSense is the most popular, but look into Media. Get paid when someone clicks on the ads displayed on your blog. These are ads that are embedded within your written text. When a reader clicks on them, it displays the corresponding ad. If you have a mobile app or want to advertise via mobile channels. ADMob , Millennial Media , and Adfonic.

Use widgets such as AdSanity to help you manage and customise ads on your blog. Sponsored content is advertising material in the context of a blog post should be disclosed. Its effectiveness is determined by audience size and relevance. A good example of how sponsored content works is mashable.

They regularly use content from big companies and get huge brand visibility in exchange for money. Use your videos as platforms for advertising. Use the YouTube advertising program , or create an agreement with a sponsor, and mention them or display their logo in your videos. The biggest problem for most online businesses is they lack traffic volume and a repeat audience. Bloggers get so hung up on providing free content that they forget they are allowed to sell to their audiences.

If you provide real value with your content and offer something relevant, your audience would love to buy from you. You can create a simple eBay store for your blog. Alternatively, you can auction items to your audience without eBay. This makes bloggers like you perfect for product reviews and sponsorships.

These strategies have been around for a long time — and for good reason; they work. Paid reviews are where an advertiser pays the blogger for a review of their product or service. You can use PayPerPost , com or make your own arrangements. Leverage your audience and influence to get sponsored by a company that will pay you in cash or gifts to promote them. If you love a particular brand , you can try to become a brand ambassador.

You promote a company and get paid in commissions, free gifts, or cash. And affiliate marketing is the best way of doing that. But even with passive income, you still have to do some work. But get it right and your life will change in a big way.

So kick back, relax, and watch that money come rolling in. Becoming an affiliate is the perfect way to make money selling products or services without having to invest time in creating them yourself.

If you have a large presence on Instagram or Pinterest, you can promote affiliate products using RewardStyle or ETSY. This is a great way to use your blog in conjunction with social media, and earn money — perfect for visual merchandise, i. You need to prioritize and still find the time to create quality content. Consulting is about using your expertise to provide specific problem-solving or troubleshooting — such as providing marketing advice or strategy.

Consulting usually requires you to have a specific skillset. You offer expertise to help your clients resolve a problem — coaching is similar to consulting, but there is more emphasis on providing support, encouragement, motivation, and guidance. With coaching, there is less emphasis on having a specific skillset or qualification in general and more emphasis on support and feedback. Like advanced consulting for a whole group of clients through a predefined curriculum.

You provide lessons, exercises, feedback, and mentoring. You spend countless hours researching, writing, creating and editing. But some content is just too valuable, too time intensive and too in-depth to be given away for free. You interview experts in your field on a number of important topics and charge a fee for accessing this material — e. These are perfect for instructing complex tasks that users need to view multiple times to follow. Create regular private content that users pay to view.

This skill set is extremely valuable in the real world. Do this regularly and the money starts to add up. Check out some great resources for paid guest posting: Earn money by offering ghost-writing services for other blogs or businesses. Use your blog as a launching pad for a much higher-paying career in the real world.

problogger make money blogging

Make yourself an authority in the niche your ideal job fits into, and use it as leverage in your workplace or the job market. You can also launch your own freelance career as a blogger, writer, or coach.

Write and publish a physical book. Many bloggers have become bestselling authors; some even have a few books under their belts. A great way to use your copywriting skills is to write sales copy for websites. Copywriting for company websites and sales pages is a sought after skill, and can be hugely rewarding.

Enter a mutual business relationship with another blogger , business, or physical business, and get paid to do so. Step out from behind your keyboard, and organize a real-life event. Take the lead and earn money from real-life events — like Copyblogger, Problogger , or NerdFitness check out this awesome fit camp — if you have readers that are in proximity to you or are willing to travel.

Most people put more value in a face-to-face interaction and are willing to pay for the experience. Events will bond you with readers, and are mutually beneficial. Use your blog as a platform to launch a speaking career. Bloggers have more authority on social media than most businesses or online users.

If your blog gives you clout on Twitter, approach a business or company to host a branded Twitter party and get paid for your efforts. You can hold a webinar online, or a real-life local event, which requires payment to attend.

Harnessing the power of crowdfunding has never been easier; there is money to be made, projects to complete, and lives to change. If you have a specific goal or mission for your blog, create a crowdfunding page, and source funds from your audience. Get donations for your creative work — this is like crowd funding but for a sequence of smaller projects. Let your audience show gratitude on Gratipay: Similar to tipping but provides a reoccurring weekly donation for doing good work.

A bit of an old-school way to make money blogging. Just put up a donations page, and ask your readers to donate, either for a specific one-off purpose e. This can work well, depending on your audience. Creating a unique product for your audience takes a lot of resources, planning, and work. If you have the know-how and the will to make it happen, you can achieve great things.

This is specific to your industry; your programs could be web-based programs, software, or systems that you directly sell to your audience. Create a mobile app related to your audience, use it as a way to sell something, or leverage it for promotion, advertising, and brand awareness opportunities. Look to Mashable and BuzzFeed for examples. She thought outside the box and made money from it.

You may not have a treehouse, but you have skills, services, opportunities, or physical products that a portion of your audience will be interested in. Sick of your blog? Get paid for your effort; look how Ramsay Taplin and Yaro Starak sold theirs. Hundreds of thousands of people make money from their blogs; some even make enough to quit their day jobs. But without blind luck, the only way to get there is understanding your options, choosing some strategies, and working toward your goal.

Paul Back will help you grow your blog, increase your traffic, and teach you to make money online. This is the most in-depth review of monetizing a blog that I have ever come across.

The pros and cons for each were really informative, and creating a mobile app was one that I had never thought of as an option. This is really an excellent resource. Thanks so much for that! I got to admit, it took a really long time to put together, glad you enjoyed it. P As far as Advertising is concerned, I love this way of making money and affiliate marketing is also good.

Thanks for sharing this article i was just looking for how to make money and your post is the best. Hi Paul, This is an incredible comprehensive list of ways to monetize a blog! I was wondering why there was nothing on in image advertising? Maybe I missed it, but I think its worth mentioning as its a great and clean way of optimizing the space on your blog for advertisements.

What do you think? I agree with Josh — this list of monetization ideas is the most indepth list that I have ever seen. I am so happy that I started working with you last year. You have made such a difference for me — not only on monetization but on my blog subscriber optins. My subscriber count went from to subscribers in 9 months. THANK YOU for your epic tips!

Lynne from Design The Life You Want To Live http: Haha who does not love to wake up to more money than they had before going to sleep? Thank you for coming over and having a read, I really appreciate it and hopefully you got some more ideas to work with! Right Now I have a few income streams open through blogging: Opening the streams opens you up to multiple sources of income. Not a bad thing. Because if one stream lowers a bit for the month I have others to call on, and I am also adding streams as we speak ;.

Like, I open plenty of channels and keep adding them yet, I know that people buy my Blogging from Paradise books or hire me to write for them, or to coach them, if they see immense value in my content. I publish a pillar style, 6, word post most Wednesdays and I also have my new book release every Monday, because by giving away free value I can gain the trust of my audience, and once I have that trust, I can prosper. The thing is though, some bloggers sprint before they crawl. I have been there, adding all types of income streams without having any good content on my blog, to spur buys, hires or clicks.

As you add 1 stream at a time — from this wonderful list, or from other ideas — simply keep writing, and writing, and writing. I write 6, or more words daily. Thanks so much for the warm reception. That is some pretty amazing insight, I feel that people do forget that its all about creating useful resources for your readers — after all we are bloggers and we deal with information.

I think it may its a flawed approach to try to sell straight away, you need to build and audience first, find out what they want and then provide that to the best of your ability. A lot of people do not see or think about how much hard work bloggers put in behind the scenes to make it all work. Thanks for sharing the information, I hope other readers read your comment as its completely spot on. I really appreciate you taking the time out to read the article and add your thoughts to the mix!

I wish that as well haha. I hope it gives some people out there a few ideas for their blogs. Thanks so much for stopping by! These are really creative ways to be making money from your blog and I have actually considered a few. Thanks a lot David — yeah I had to really look around to find some of these! Glad it got you thinking. Great article — we hear this all the time. Blogging or any web content is definitely a snowballing process.

However, if you keep at it you can create a massive juggernaut that almost runs itself! Does anyone have a sense for how long it takes people to build up self sustaining blogs? Glad that the most got you thinking though: Thanks for going so in-depth. No problem, it was my pleasure. This is a great resource for both newbie and more experienced bloggers a like. This was very in depth outline of all the creative ways to monetize.

Awesome Post Paul Many thanks to ProBlogger team for publishing this wonderful informative article. Great Collection of Information and Great Collection of Websites too. Your post closely targeting on how to get direct advertisers to your blog. Most of us looking for that aspect only.

I like this blog article setting Pros Cons Best When In-fact this is going to be the trend for the future bloggers. Usually people write list post but this is new to them. They stop with Pros and Cons they not even think about Best When. Thanks to all for drafting this superb post. I love to read this post. Covered almost all online money making methods. This list is Awesome Paul!

Thanks for this in depth information. Fantastic tips, thanks for making this guide and making it such a clear breakdown. I was searching for how to make money with blog your article helped me for that.. Thanks for sharing this article.. Now, starting a blog is easy but in order to be able to successfully monetize the blog, you need to establish the blog. In this guide, I have also covered the topics that help you establish your blog so you can monetize it.

Thank you so much for taking your time to write it. You just made my day: Thanks so much for your good work!

Well, now with 60 ideas at hand, I can be creative. Glad I could help out, now you can use your time to implement some ideas instead of researching: The above post is well detailed and well understood. Of a truth, there are many of the points mentioned above am coming across for the first time which i hope to implement in my blog.. Thank you so much for compiling such a complete resource.

Great info to consider as I think about my next steps. I think you covered almost all online monetization methods. Good for newbie bloggers. Hey Paul, thanks for the shout-out and being the example of getting paid speaking gigs. Great on ways to ways to monetize a blog too! It must take a really long time to put all of these methods together! Thank you for your good job, Paul Back! I can only imagine the hours, weeks and months that went into it — but so worth it.

Once is not enough to process so much valuable information.

problogger make money blogging

Well done and thank you so much. Thank for your support Mary I really appreciate it. I did hope this post could be used as a reference point for bloggers, something they can come back to for inspiration and ideas.

Hey paul nice sharing and great work to list all these. Some of them are known and some of them are new for me and i can also try from them, so thanks. Thanks for sharing Paul, I am glad that I am curious to know what is best practive when asking for donations. That is someone everyone can appreciate and you leave them to make their own decisions, just be transparent and be up front. Hii i am into affiliate marketing since last 2 years but i have one doubt in my mind.

It is good or bad to use adsense in affiliate sites? Will adense ads impact sales and bounce rate of site? Appreciate the time you put into this. Post really gave me energy. That is awesome to hear, these sort of posts take a lot of time and energy to put together and when you hear that it sparks an idea in someone, or motivates them to try something new it makes it all worth it.

But there is also lot of alternative here. Thanks I will be get somethings new from here. This post is awesome! Thanks for the info. This post is providing best sources information, How I can monetize my blog and can generate more revenue, all process which your defining inside this post I will try some process and getting great result..

My pleasure John That is awesome to hear, these sort of posts take a lot of time and energy to put together and Appreciate the time you put into this. Hi Paul thank you for this huge massive post. I am already starting to think in what ways I can make more money from the blog with all these strategies. That sounds awesome Sherman, yeah there really are quite a number of ways to make money blogging — just have to look outside the most common methods.

Hope this post gives you some ideas for later on. If you can promote affiliate programs properly, they can earn you a lot. I would like to add my view on this way. Your article made me think about it and definitely inspired me. I hope you give it a shot. Just make sure to either have a solid blog going before you leave your job.

It is definitely possible to grow a popular blog when working full time, but it does require a lot of effort and time management. In regards to Patreon, could you make an article on how to promote and monetize a blog with Patreon? Plus, when is the best time to use Patreon, at the beginning of the first blog or after building the audience? This is a very useful post for all the bloggers. Keep posting valuable content like this.

Start Here Blog Podcast eBooks Resources Jobs Events. You think about it all the time — how great it would be to make money from your blog. It takes forethought, planning, and a winning strategy. Succeeding at Monetizing Your Blog The First Step is Understanding Your Options There are almost limitless possibilities for a blogger like you to earn money online, but most of these fall into a small number of distinct categories.

Whatever it is — we have it on the menu. The Full Menu I scoured the Internet for months trying to find the most diverse and proven ways to make money from blogs. Display Advertising Ads are great, but they can be tricky. Easy to set up, offers passive income set-and-forget , requires no special skills, works on most audiences, and works from day one. Usually results in relatively small profits, requires a lot of traffic, turns off some audiences, makes your blog look less attractive, and is usually not the main revenue maker for a blog.

Here are the best options: Needs even more traffic than other ad types and usually pays less. This is great for high-traffic blogs that have little audience interaction — news-type blogs for example. PPC Get paid when someone clicks on the ads displayed on your blog. Standard advertising model — it is the best bang for your buck. You want advertisers with relevance to your blog to increase ad clicks. In high competition niches that are relevant to your blog. Banner Ads Banner ads are placed in sidebars, headers, and individual posts.

These can be PPC or PPM. Common and effective form of advertising. Can ruin the look of a blog depending on which ads are displayed. You have control over which banners display. RSS Ads Appear in the RSS feed of a blog. A great way to make money from your RSS feed.

You have a large RSS list. In-text Ads These are ads that are embedded within your written text. They look like links, so there is no need for banner ads. People may find it annoying.

Make Money Blogging

Makes your blog worse from a usability perspective. Mobile Advertising If you have a mobile app or want to advertise via mobile channels.

Take advantage of a growing sector, less competition in the app sector, majority of web traffic comes from mobile devices. Situational — you need to have an app or want to advertise in apps.

You have an app, and you want to capitalise on the growing number of mobile devices or when your audience largely uses mobile to view your content. Advertising widgets Use widgets such as AdSanity to help you manage and customise ads on your blog. Detailed advertising information, makes your ads more profitable and customizable e. Works with single or multiple ads. Cost of entry, needs more effort on your part. You already use ads with some success and want to increase their profitability.

Usually this is not a primary source of income; your blog has to be sufficiently popular. Your blog is seen as a hub in your space when you already have a lot of traffic and when combined with other revenue streams, e.

A great way to earn money from your podcasts. You must have a regular audience for your podcast to have any real effect. You have a large and consistent podcast audience. Sponsored content Sponsored content is advertising material in the context of a blog post should be disclosed.

How To Make Money As A Blogger ( Video Request)

Good way to earn money. Most people would have no issue with sponsored content, if you label it as such. Would turn some people off and would only work well in some niches depending on sponsored content opportunities and how well they match your blog. You have a large reach and you are in a niche with good sponsored content opportunities.

Make money from the content you create, easier to get noticed than blog banner ads, relatively unexplored area for most bloggers, and can go viral.

Only applies to video content. May need relationships with businesses. You are a successful video content creator. Directly sell ad space on your blog Sell ad space to other bloggers or businesses without going through a middle man ad networks. No middleman, total control over what ads you want to display, more profit, and you can choose ad designs that complement your blog. Fewer ads to choose from and harder to arrange than AdWords or equivalent.

Sell, Sell, Sell — Blog Stores Sometimes, the best way to make money off your blog is to treat it like a sales platform. Here are the best ways: Sell shirts, caps, or just about any merchandise from your blog.

A fun idea which under the right conditions will make a great income; check out Cafepress and Merchify for ideas. You have an active, engaged community and a cool social brand. Easy and cheap to set up. Not suitable for every blog, people might take you less seriously depending on niche, and probably not a steady income. You are in a creative category such as DIY or in a niche that has many physical products associated with it.

Start an ecommerce store Sell items directly from your blog with no third party involvement. This is a great way to monetize a blog; a varied inventory can create fantastic revenue. Need products to sell. Not all niches can be successful — or at least not without thinking outside the box. You have many things to sell or have a blog for business purposes. Reviews and Sponsorships As a blogger, your biggest asset is your audience.

They give you authority and influence. And when influential people speak — others listen. Paid reviews Paid reviews are where an advertiser pays the blogger for a review of their product or service. You get paid to review products and services in your niche. Not every niche and blog has the opportunity to review a product. This method is a short-term monetization strategy. You have a popular blog with a lot of reach and an audience that is understanding. Receive gifts for reviewing products Getting paid in the form of products or services can be another source of revenue.

An easy way to get rewarded. You can set up a page on your blog to let people know you do reviews, or you can email people directly if you are interested. Most people would prefer cash payments. You have a large audience that values your opinion. Get sponsored by a company Leverage your audience and influence to get sponsored by a company that will pay you in cash or gifts to promote them.

Usually you need to have a popular blog. You have a popular blog and you outreach to companies that you have an interest in working with. Become a brand ambassador If you love a particular brand , you can try to become a brand ambassador.

A great way to earn and promote your favourite companies. There is a company that lives up to your expectations of quality, service, and ideals — and is beneficial to your audience.

Passive Income Every blogger has fantasized about making a fully passive income at some stage. Well, initially at least. Join an Affiliate Program Becoming an affiliate is the perfect way to make money selling products or services without having to invest time in creating them yourself. Great source of potential revenue, no need to develop your own products.

Turn your audience away if you promote the wrong type of product, lose audience to competitors, lose audience if you overdo it, and not as much money as making your own products. Earns money while providing value to your audience. Perfect for monetizing your current content. Takes some effort to set up; very few people could make a full living off affiliate links in posts. You create incredible list articles with affiliate links and you have a large audience.

Bluehost , Godaddy , Hostgator Promote a service you trust and use on your blog to earn commissions. All website owners need hosting. Using hosting companies that you trust and use with your blog. Your audience has or intends to have a website, e. Affiliate sales from social media Instagram and Pinterest If you have a large presence on Instagram or Pinterest, you can promote affiliate products using RewardStyle or ETSY.

A fantastic way to leverage your social media presence. You need to have a large following to be accepted. You are a popular blogger that focuses on visual content. Create an affiliate program for your own products This is a way to get extra reach and revenue from one of your own products. Increase profits for no extra work, and a great way to make extra sales and get exposure.

Not as profitable as tapping into the market without a middleman. You have an expensive product to sell and have relationships with influencers in your niche.

High commissions and relevant to your audience. Good way to build goodwill and relationships with other bigger players in your niche. You need strong connections to other bloggers — which means you are already established. Has potential to lose your readers to your competition. So, why not get paid for it? When you charge for your services, you can focus on your work, provide quality advice, and spend your time more wisely.

Consulting Consulting is about using your expertise to provide specific problem-solving or troubleshooting — such as providing marketing advice or strategy. Usually more lucrative than coaching and builds your credibility faster.

Great as a primary or secondary revenue stream. Requires a high level of authority and credibility in your niche when compared to coaching, therefore not the best option for total beginners. Your intervention can have quick and measurable results changing marketing strategy, providing SEO audits etc. Coaching You offer expertise to help your clients resolve a problem — coaching is similar to consulting, but there is more emphasis on providing support, encouragement, motivation, and guidance.

Provides a consistent flat rate and a reliable income, and you also learn more about your audience. It is a time-heavy process that slows the growth of your blog and requires a certain amount of authority. There is a longer-term issue or problem that requires more than one or two sessions to resolve — e. Group coaching programs Like advanced consulting for a whole group of clients through a predefined curriculum. You learn new skills and get rapid feedback about what your customers want — while being paid.

A lot of time is taken in running and preparing these courses. You need some level of experience. You have already had success with one-on-one coaching and are looking to take on more students at once — e.

Private interview series You interview experts in your field on a number of important topics and charge a fee for accessing this material — e.

These are cheap to set up, easy to scale, and are incredible relationship-building opportunities. The experts have to be well known authorities in your space for people to consider it valuable enough to pay for. The interviews must provide real value. You need to be fairly well connected. You are well connected in your niche as well as have other products with higher prices for sale.

One of the best ways for bloggers to make sustainable, high-level profits. Courses like this build your credibility and can be your sole revenue stream.

Time and effort intensive to put together, and you need a lot of experience in your field to create worthy learning resources. Same as a self-paced course. Video courses take a lot of time to set up, may require special video and editing software, and high production value is a must, due to repeated viewing. E-books E-books are a great place to start monetizing. Low up-front and overhead costs, no ongoing cost or customer support, easy to create, and you gain credibility and widen your audience.

Relatively low profit per sale, and requires high volume to make money. You have other forms of revenue, and you are looking to expand your authority. Membership Site Create regular private content that users pay to view. A great way to get consistent money this works by charging a relatively small, recurring monthly fee. Private forum A great way to reach out to hundreds or thousands of clients at once. Like private membership content but usually more time intensive.

The quality is usually lower than that of premium courses. It takes a lot of time and energy to set up, and the level of service is usually not as high as a self-paced course.

How to Make Money Blogging in What Successful Blogs Teach Us

Leverage Your Blogging Skills As a blogger, you develop a particular skill set. Great way to polish your writing and get paid for it. Too time intensive to make a lot of money. You want to earn some money while polishing your writing skills. Ghost-writing for other bloggers or sites Earn money by offering ghost-writing services for other blogs or businesses. Fantastic way to boost revenue and build relationships. Time consuming, and a lot of bloggers may find it unsatisfying in the long run.

Use your blog as a platform for a higher-paying job Use your blog as a launching pad for a much higher-paying career in the real world. A lot of people prefer more traditional and structured ways to earn money. Ultimately, you are bound by the job market. Your passion lies within a particular business sector or you are self-employed. Direct marketing is a particular skill that can earn you much more money compared to traditional copywriting.

Publish a book Write and publish a physical book. Books are an incredible authority booster, and you receive huge acclaim and open up other opportunities. Not only do you make money from book sales, but you also can increase your rates on all your other offerings.

For this to have any real chance, you need a fairly large and devoted audience. Get paid a lot more than just writing articles. Providing a service like this usually only applies if you are in the blogging, social media, or marketing niches. Form a partnership with another blogger, online business, or physical business Enter a mutual business relationship with another blogger , business, or physical business, and get paid to do so.

Not receiving full profits. Your blog is related to an industry with business opportunities, and you are well connected. And creating an event is an excellent way to teach, raise your profile, and get paid. Organize an event in real life Step out from behind your keyboard, and organize a real-life event. You can make great money and strong bonds with readers.

It can be difficult logistically and may not work in some niches; usually you would need to be well known and respected. You have a strong bond with your audience, and you can organise an event worth paying for. Paid speaking gigs Use your blog as a platform to launch a speaking career. Branch out from your blog for a well-paid and rewarding speaking career.

The suitability of this depends on your authority, niche, and comfort with public speaking. Host a branded Twitter party Bloggers have more authority on social media than most businesses or online users. Leverage your large Twitter following and get paid to promote. A Twitter party is audience specific and brand specific.

Live workshops You can hold a webinar online, or a real-life local event, which requires payment to attend. A cool way to teach and engage an audience which is very rewarding and provides you with a good income. Similar to group coaching but with a higher price bracket.

You would need to organize well and have a high level of service and value for this to work. You have had some practice with webinar software and consulting. Get the Crowd On Your Side Rally the troops and form an army. With the power of the crowd on your side, you can achieve incredible things.

Create a crowdfunding page If you have a specific goal or mission for your blog, create a crowdfunding page, and source funds from your audience. Get paid for having a vision and the initiative to start something your audience appreciates. Enroll in the Beacon network Get donations for your creative work. An innovative way to get paid for your work.

ProBlogger - Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging - ProBlogger

You have a blog in the creative space, and you want to try something different. Get fan funding with Patreon Get donations for your creative work — this is like crowd funding but for a sequence of smaller projects. A great way to make money for content in the creative space. A unique way to build a bond with your fans. You create creative projects, and your audience is open to new ideas. You have to convince your audience to use the Flattr system. A large part of your audience uses Flattr.

Get tips on Tiptheweb Encourage your readers to use a tipping service to get paid for your creative work. You get rewarded for your outstanding work on a per case basis. You consistently create great content, and your audience members are early adopters that benefit from your work. You have a better chance to make regular income than tipping since you get weekly payments. Might have a harder time convincing your audience to commit to reoccurring weekly payments.

You have a loyal audience, you create great content, and you do not advertise or sell any other products. Just ask for donations PayPal A bit of an old-school way to make money blogging. One of the easiest ways to make money from your blog. Not a dependable income and as most people will not donate. Develop and sell your own physical products Much like selling your own programs, but this product is physical.

A physical product lends you credibility and makes you seem more serious than your competitors. Physical products are often easier to market. Costs are higher due to producing prototypes. Higher risk strategy when compared to non-physical products or courses due to upfront costs. You are in a niche that allows for physical products. A great way to make money if you have a unique theme that people like. You have your own custom theme that your readers ask you about regularly. Develop and sell your own software: The best option for high revenues, and it can be your sole revenue stream.

Specifically designed with your audience in mind, which makes it much easier to sell. An advanced method, it takes a lot of time and money to set up. You have an already popular blog, in the right niche, with a proven track record in sales, and you have money to invest in hiring experts to help you. For example, AppSumo , created by Noah Kagan who runs his own blog at OkDork , or KISSmetrics.

Create a mobile app Create a mobile app related to your audience, use it as a way to sell something, or leverage it for promotion, advertising, and brand awareness opportunities. A unique approach, and unlike other app developers, you already have an established audience. Use your blog as a platform to distribute your app, build awareness, and create cross-promotional opportunities. Technically challenging, and you need to have a good idea of what people want.

You have experience in development, you know your audience well and understand what they need. The level of complexity varies, but you would need a developer if you do not have the skills. Here is a non-tech example. Try Something Different — Break the Mould Sometimes, the best way to make a living from your blog is to try something new.

Try something unconventional, innovative, cutting edge — or even downright crazy! If you have the vision, passion, and drive, no one is going to stop you. Secure funding to invest in your blog and the security of knowing successful business people are backing you.

You have a vision, and you want to build a business around that.

problogger make money blogging

Proven in other industries to make money with your content. A great opportunity to make it work for blogging. Great with in-depth content or more news-type blogs. Will put a lot of people off. Unique to the individual; almost everyone has something special they can offer. You have to look hard to create opportunities. You identify your unique offer, and you have the courage to try it out. Sell your blog Sick of your blog? Get rewarded for all your hard work with none of the pressure.

Your blog needs to hold a business value to be eligible for sale. When you have a successful blog that you want to get rid of. Stop wondering what it would be like — join them. Targeted action is the difference between success and failure.

There is a lot riding on your decisions. Right now, action is vital. Even if it means you make mistakes. You can adapt and change later — just start now. You have your options laid out in front of you — make your choices, and work at them. About Guest Blogger This post was written by a guest contributor.

Please see their details in the post above. I need help to Start a Blog Create Content Find Readers Build Community Make Money Blogging Be Productive Understand Technology Get Work. Don't Lose your Funds to Amazon - How to Stay Within The Operating Agreement 24 May A Practical Look at Turning Your Blog into a Functioning Business 10 May Treat Your Blog Like an Actual Business 02 May Hey Josh Thanks so much for that!

Hey Faizan Glad you like it! Hopefully you can use it as a resource to get yourself started. So thorough ; Right Now I have a few income streams open through blogging: Tweeting and Pinning from Bali. Hey Ryan Thanks so much for the warm reception. What a great insight Ryan. I am grateful for your insights. I am a new blogger and learning every single day. Wow, Paul — what an extensive list! I wish I had this when I started out 3 years ago. Thanks for the great article, Sue. Hey Sue I wish that as well haha.

Hey Wess My pleasure mate, glad that my post made you think about your options! Hey Ashley Thank you! Wonderful post Paul, Thanks for going so in-depth. Hey Aaron No problem, it was my pleasure. Thanks so much Nicole: This is very true, Nicole. Thanks for a great article, Paul. This is awesome stuff. Every blogger should reference this article: Thank you very much for the detailed article. No worries at all Nicole, really happy you got something out of it!

Wow this is a comprehensive post. Essential reading for new bloggers I think. Thanks for commenting Paul. John AZ DIY Guy. No problem at all: Thanks for checking it out Adam. Haha yeah it took a while, glad you enjoyed the post Tracy! Hello Paul, Appreciate the time you put into this.

Hey John That is awesome to hear, these sort of posts take a lot of time and energy to put together and when you hear that it sparks an idea in someone, or motivates them to try something new it makes it all worth it. Your welcome Carlos — hope you got something out of it! I hope you find some that work for you: Thanks for the share! Have a good one! Thanks for your article. Hey Scarlett That is awesome: All the best Paul. This is an excellent review, thanks. Is it alright for you to turn the lists into a PDF format so that we can review them offline?

Hey Paul this is the perfect article, thanks for sharing. Kind regards mx king. Join Our Newsletter Subscribe. Senior Content Writers Needed.

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