Money making professions wow 5.4

Author: solomon Date: 13.06.2017

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This website uses cookies. By further browsing you consent to such use. Forums General Which 2 professions make the most gold in 5. Which 2 professions make the most gold in 5. Trollbane Turalyon Twilight's Hammer Vashj Vek'nilash Xavius Zenedar.

What 2 professions are the best to gain gold and what do you make to sell?

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Varies from server to server, but JC and alchemy is among the top. I mostly sell bags tailoring and mats disenchanting. Nice steady trickle of income. For me its also JC and alch wich i earn most gold with atm. Working the AH and JC.

I often rummage through old content, and those two professions are good for that too this too. Maybe you should try too OT: JC doesn't seem to bring that much gold, I'd rather go with enchanting and tailoring 16 slot bags. At this stage of the expansion, I'd say gathering professions.

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Too late into 5. Materials will be stocked up for 6. Where Enchants, Jewels and the like might drop faster.

- Eroare:

I make all profitable glyphs, shoulder enchants and the PvP trinket. Not as much profit as JC or Enchanting. But, less cutthroat as well.

Memepaly 90 Blood Elf Paladin posts. Not gona open new post: What are the most profitable old instances and 5 man to make solo? I can pull in 5k a day on my server, and on reset day I've gotten up to 20k. Than that was the reason the guys screamed Btw if you have spirits of harmony which you don't need exchange them for stuff and sell it, I exchange it for golden lotus x2.

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Farming motes is also a good way to get some gold, if one knows where to farm. You use the jewelcrafting for cutting gems to sell on AH and alchemy to transmute more gems.

Im making k on a slow day and on reset i can make from 50kk: Have something to say? Log in to join the conversation.

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