Log in Sign up. How can we help? What is your email? Upgrade to remove ads. Which of the following increased in the s? Which was not a cause of the Great Depression? Which was NOT a cause of the Dust Bowl?

After the stock market crash, how did president Hoover try to help the economy? Who made up the Bonus Army that marched on Washington? What does buying on the margin mean? Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Great Depression? What name was given to the men who rode the rails as they searched for work? Which of the following describes a government system for giving payments or food to the poor? Buying stocks on the chance of a quick profit without considering risks is known as In calling shantytowns "Hoovervilles," people conveyed their The aim of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act was to An example of the psychological stress caused by the Great Depression was the rise in the number of Herbert Hoover's approach to the Depression economy was based on a belief in During the Great Depression, the overall unemployment rate was about One long range effest of the Great Depression was that many people The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act led to All of the following were important causes of the Great Depression EXCEPT Causes of the farming crisis of the 's included the fact that What was the first major action Roosevelt took after he was inaugurated?

Who was the first woman to serve in the Cabinet? Which of the following was most directly responsible for creating new jobs and putting people to work? Which of the following was the main objective Agricultural Adjustment Act?

Which of the following pieces of New Deal legislation was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court? What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in the Roosevelt administration?

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Which of the following reached a new high during Roosevelt's first term as President? Which of the following of Roosevelt's ideas failed to become a law? Who wrote the novel "The Grapes of Wrath? Which of the following groups were least likely to be a part of the New Deal coalition? By decreaing farm surpluses, New Deal policies helped to Lewis d Charles Coughlin.

The Supreme Court ruled that the How did WW1 contribute to the Great Depression? At first, Hoover supported direct federal aid for the needy. Hoover believed that one of the government's chief functions was to foster cooperation between businesses. Congress passed the Federal home Loan Act to lower mortgage rates for home owners and allow farmers to refinance their loans at lower rates. The Patman Bill was intended to pump new life into the economy by providing emergency funding to small businesses.

Hoover's image suffered when he ordered the removal of 2, hobo farmers who had built a shantytown near the capital. During the Depression, charitable organizations tried to help the urban poor by opening soup kitchens. The farmers who left the Dust Bowl were known as hoboes.

One indicator of a weak economy in the 's was a decline in housing starts.

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Mexican Americans generally did not support the New Deal. The Indian Reorganization restored some reservation lands to tribal ownership. Mary McLeod Bethune was appointed head of the Division of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration. The New Deal Coalition was a group dedicated to supporting the Socialist Party. President Roosevelt appointed John Collier as Commissioner of Immigrant Affairs.

The Congress of Industrial Organization CIO was organized in an attempt to unionize workers across the industries. Black Tuesday was the day that President Hoover forced the Bonus Army to disband.

Dow Jones Industrial Average. When people buy on Money to reduce production and even plow under crops was a part of the Almost three million young men to work building roads, developing parks, and helping in soil-erosion projects as part of Created under the Wagner Act, the National Labor Relations Board.

As the Roosevelt administration promoted the New Deal programs, the The novel, "Native Son", written by One of the most popular movies of all time, Gone With the Wind. As director of "War of the Worlds", Within a few years, the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act led to: Hoover's reelection as pres C. This Democrat lost the presidential election of This term specifically refers to the stock market crash of October 29, This term is the name of the most widely used measure of the stock market's health.

In an effort to curb the financial loss farmers were suffering, Congress tried to pass the McNary-Haugen bill, which would have mandated this on key crops. This term refers to paying a small percentage of a stock's price as a down payment and borrowing the rest.

This term refers to making extremely risky business transactions on the chance of making quick or considerable profits. This reduced the flow of goods into the United States and prevented other countries from earning American currency to buy American exports. This is an arrangement in which consumers agree to buy now and pay later for purchases, often on an installment plan that includes interest charges.

This is the period from to in which the economy plummeted and unemployment skyrocketed. Mention at least four causes and two effects of the Great Depression.

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Tariffs and War debt, crisis in the farm sector and industry, availability of easy credit, unequal distribution of income, stock market crash, increasing consumer debt. During the Great Depression, what did soup kitchens provide?

At the beginning of the Great Depression, what were the main sources of direct relief. What factors contributed to the superficial prosperity of the s? Complete answers should include the following points: Consumer goods were available in abundance.

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Farmers had been buying more land and more farm equipment and producing more and more goods for market. Credit was easy to get. The stock market was booming, and average people were able to invest in the stock market. People used credit to obtain higher standards of living than before.

Politicians, such as President Herbert Hoover, declared that the economy was doing extremely well. Write a paragraph describing how the Great Depression affected the daily lives of average Americans. Complete answer should include the following points: People lost their jobs, and many spent years looking for new ones.

People lost their homes and farms. People were forced to sleep in parks and alleys or makeshift shacks. People were forced to scrounge for food, stand in bread lines, and eat in soup kitchens. Minorities experienced more incidents of racial hostility and violence.

Some struggling families became closer in their misfortune; others disintegrated from the stress. People worked together to share what little they had. Women canned food for their families and sewed their own clothes.

Many children became malnourished. When many schools closed, thousands of children went to work or became hoboes. Charitable organization tried to help urban poor by providing a meal of soup.

Place to go to get a free meal of soup and maybe a little bread. President when the stock market crashed. Believed that directly helping the poor with money or food was bad for their self respect. He believed government should remain uninvolved. AGAINST DIRECTLY HELPING THE POOR.

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One long-range effect of the Great Depression was that many people: Which of the following was not an effect of the Great Depression?

Many children had a poor diet B. Many families became homeless C. Many men became unemployed D.

11th Grade US History - Chapters 14 & 15 Flashcards | Quizlet

Many people started farming. Before , before the crash, these American industries showed signs of economic trouble. The railroads were in distress because of the automobile and trucks.

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