Stock market crash aftermath

Author: shushu Date: 02.06.2017

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U.S. Stock Market Crashes and Their Aftermath: Implications for Monetary Policy

Transcript of Aftermath of the stock market crash Introduction The Stock Market Crash of October is the most well-known economic recessive event in American history. Although the regular recession caused by speculative bubbles on land has been a theme throughout the 19th century in America, this crisis signaled the beginning of the Great Depression, a year period of low economic activity and record-shattering unemployment.

Here we shall investigate what elements exactly went into the infamous crash. Economic Trends The economic trends of the s brought on the Great Depression, and it is noticeable in modern day trends how business officials changed our economy to prevent another drastic recession. What led to the Stock Market Crash of ?

Stock Market Crash of - Facts & Summary -

SSOIF Speculation Stocks bought on the margin Overproduction Increase in bank loans Failure of the Federal Reserve System Aftermath of the Stock Market Crash After, the stock market crash, many people panicked and rushed to the banks to get withdraw all their money back. This day is known as "Black Tuesday" Sources The Stock Market Crash of Comparison of Trends s: There was a surplus of products, but not enough buyers.

This caused many sellers to lose money.

Aftermath of the stock market crash by Lillian Lee on Prezi

Employment rates were at an all time low: This caused the Wall Street Crash of The government has established a Securities and Exchange Commission, which has regulated Wall Street since the recession. The unemployment rate hasn't risen over 9. This photo shows how the people were rushing to the banks to withdraw money from their accounts Many investors lost a huge amount of money.

Some people tried to sell some of their possessions.

The stock market crash soon led to the Great Depression, as work dissipated with the closing of small businesses and factories alike. The automobile industry was a major boom. An automobile was a major technological advancement.

The car registration rose form eight million to twenty three million between Besides Ford, other car companies were created and millions of dollars were brought into the automobile industry Today: Now we highly depend on more advanced technology such as phones,tablets, and computers. PAST LESSONS, PRESENT ADVICE; Did '29 Crash Spark The Depression? The New York Times.

stock market crash aftermath

The New York Times Company, 21 October Soon the average American felt the desperation of not having work and having to worry about them and their family having the basics for life - hence the term "Great Depression. Set privacy level Privacy level. Add people Editor Editor Viewer. Only people with the link can view this prezi. Anyone with the link can view. Want to make your prezis private or hidden? Download " " Downloading prezi This may take a few seconds.

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